Amy XOXO - Case study
Brand Identity
My client is launching a clothing line and needed a brand identity.
This project was 16 weeks long and began in Spring 2019.
Create a logo design and brand identity from mood boards.
Amy XOXO is a clothing line that is in the process of launching in San Francisco. The client contacted multiple designers to receive help with creating a brand identity.
The research that went into this project involved getting information about what kind of clothes were going to be sold and the location of the first store. Additionally, I researched what fashion trends are big in San Francisco and based my design on that.
My beginning approach to this project was to sketch out numerous logo designs for the client to choose from. Once a selection was made, I created a vector version of it and chose the color scheme.
Many of the newer fashion trends of Generation Z are from the past, so I wanted a combination of old and new, something that was modern and matched the trends of Generation Z. Geometric shapes created an 80s vibe, but the Chippewa Falls typeface made it more modern.
Since the clothing line is only in the beginning stages of being launched, there was very little information available other than what the client told us.